Monday, October 26, 2009

Jenna leaning on brick: 8:45 p.m; F4, 1/50; Sony DSC-T50

I decided to take these portraits of my sister at the school gardens. We went up to the school gardens because they have some good areas to take shots. I had to switch into several different positions to get better lighting. I think they turned out pretty decent. One thing I could work on is to learn how to position the people you are taking a portrait of.


  1. I think you did a really good job of getting good lighting on your sister, even though it looks like it was dark outside. You chose a good location as well. Nice job!

  2. Ben, your sisters cute, very photogenic. Good job on following the rule of thirds for these photos. This is my favorite of the three. I like how the top left corner is busy and full, yet the bottom right is quite and empty. One things that i think would make this photo even cooler is if you tried again during the day and had a nice beam of sunlight coming from the top right shinning right on her. good job.

  3. I didn't even think of the fact that you and Jenna would be siblings. But, I really like the framing of this picture. Just think a lot could be done if you played with camera settings, then slight level and saturation changes. Good job though for a night shot. They are always difficult.

  4. You did a nice job with the lighting on Jenna, she stands out in each of these. They are a bit posed, it would be nice to have some in a more natural position but they are nice. I like the composition in the brick shot, the trunk in the background is really cool adding lines to your picture.
